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THE STORY The Hellsing Organization, a secret branch of the British government, has long been battling supernatural threats to keep the people safe from creatures of the nightIts current leader, Sir Integra Hellsing, controls her own personal army to eliminate the undead beings, but even her highly trained soldiers pale in comparison to her most trusted vampire exterminator, Alucard,Hellsing Ultimate (ヘルシング, Herushingu?) is an Original Video Animation series The series was created after the Hellsing anime had finished, and was intended to be more true to the manga than the anime was Over the course of the years, they have changed animation studios at multiple occasions Hellsing Ultimate 14 were animated by the animation studio Satelight, beforeHellsingdawn 外伝 4&5 編集ミスった\(^o^)/本編は356秒まで。BGMが終わるまで真っ暗画面だけだぜ!期待してても何

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